A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

How to stop a dog from barking?

How to stop a dog from barking?

Unfortunately there is no single way by which you can stop a dog from barking,it depends on many things.We know that how much even a small pup can make you trouble.

Sometimes the barking of a dog is very good and sometimes bad it varies time to time so first you should get to know about your dog that why your dog is barking.

Barking is very natural to dogs,it is the part of their behaviour,so do not think that barking is the problem of dogs.

Yes, if your dog is doing excess barking than their might be some reason beind that,it might not be normal at that time you need to have knowledge about the stages of dog barking and the reasons of the barking,which will help you to understand the nature of your dog.


Common reasons of dog barking..

1-Attention seeking demand-

Sometimes dogs feel that you are not focusing on them or caring for them so,they so this excessive barking to make you realize that you are forgetting something.
Dogs only want love are caring from their owner and if they didn`t get that from the owner, they do the things which are not likable by the owner.


Sometimes dogs become frustated the reason can be anything it might be the owner related or the health related,so than also dogs do this so that the owner will get to know that something is not good with their dog.


When a dog becomes excited, the reason can be anything, so they so these things or sometimes they run unnecessarily here and there, to show there excitement.

4-Separation distress-

You might have noticed this when you bring a puppy to your home then on the first night he used to cry so much because of separation from the family, the same case is with the older dogs,they also used to show separation pain so they showes by barking or sometimes by crying loudly.


  1. 1-play barks-are shorter and high pitched
  2. 2-Defensive barks-comes in loud fast bursts
  3. 3-Bored and anxious barks-are monotone and repetitive


Now 5 steps to stop a dog from barking.

This steps is for that time when your dog is barking unncecssary.

STEP 1-Give your dog mental challenges.

How you will make your dog stop barking if your dog is barking because he is feeling bored.
You can play with your dog in such case or you have to give your dog any mental challenge by which your dog can spend his time.
you can give him some toys or allow him run in the ground by opening his leaches,in simple words do all the possible things by which your dog can feel good or not bored.

STEP 2- Make your home dog friendly.

Dog also bark when they feel that he or his owner is in danger and when the dog sees any stranger coming to your home.

so you can do certain things to decensitize your pet and make your home a haven away from negative external stimulus.

Here are some changes you can do in your home for your dog.

*check in on your dog using a PETCUBE bites, and drop random treates for times when they are quiet.

*White nose can be a great way to calm a dog down and drown out outside noises. try leaving a radio on a soothing station,on turning on a loud fan.

STEP 3- Training a dog not to bark.

Training is the way which can bring any change in your dog,so give your dog the training for not to bar as-
*Ignore the barking-you can use some treats for this when your dog is sitting silent give him a treat and when the dog is start barking hold the treat by this your dog will soon understand that he will get the treat when he will sit silence or didn`t make the unwanted noise.

STEP 4- You can use the bark control and anti stress devices.

Today the technology has grown up, there are many items in the market that effectively control barking in a gentle,humane way.

STEP 5-Set up a doggy quiet zone.

If your dog barks when you leave the home this can be because the separation anxiety,so you need to set up a safe and quite place for them away from the front door.

Your doggies quiet room must include the items which are daily ussable by your dog,and now when you leave your home leave your dog in the same place.

This all are the possible ways you can use with your dog so that he can stop barking.

Tell me that what actions you take at the time when your dog bark and also tell the name of your dog in comments.
How to stop a dog from barking? How to stop a dog from barking? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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