A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

How to get rid of fleas from the dog?

How to get rid of fleas from the dog?

Getting fleas on the skin of your dog can make him very uncomfortable it is as similar as getting insects to move on your body,fleas give the dogs very discomfort.

so getting rid from the fleas for your dog is very important so that your dog can be comfortable and free form them and also when the dog get the fleas on his body,the dogs start eating them sometimes or they harm their skin and fur sometimes.

What the fleas want from your dog?

Getting fleas on the body of the dog is very painful for the dogs as they feed off the dogs blood and getting fleas does not depend on the age of the dog it can be puppy or an adult and when the fleas comes on your dogs body they start reproduce when they stable themselves, this can be the issue of big problem for the dog,because they reproduce their family very fast.

What the fleas get from dogs?

The fleas stays on the dogs skin as they want to feed themselves as well as their families,they get the blood from the skin of the dog, and also they gets the place to survive and increase their family,
The biggest enemy of the fleas are we humans,because it can be very tough for the dogs to get rid from them themself, so they need help to get rid from them.

Fleas didn`t give any benefits to dogs it only takes benefits from them and also harm them.

How you will know that your dog has fleas?

when the dog gets fleas on his skin he started getting very irritated and might be found damaging his skin.
And if this symptoms are not visible,and your dog has small hairs you can easily observe the fleas moving around the body of the dog.

Some symptoms to know the presence for the fleas.

  1. -Incresed scratcing,bitting and licking
  2. -Loss of fur
  3. -pale gums
  4. -Red bumps or scabs on the skin
  5. -Behaviour canges-restlessness or nervousness.


This treatments are not only for dog you can use them for loving cat also if you have one.
 Fighting with fleas on your dog can be emotional and lot of work with your dog, fleas are very determined to come back on the body,so first you have to treat the existing fleas.

You can apply these steps to make your dog flea free.

1-treat your dog with fast-acting oral treatment-By this you can wash the dead fleas from the body.

2-Use a flea comb-it`s a dip comb in a mixture of dish soap and water to kill remaining fleas on comb.

3-Bath your dog with specially disigned Flea shampoo.

4- Treat your dog with the flea spray.

5-Continue to inspect and comb weekly to monitor the presence of the fleas and their quantity.

Treat your environment(maintain hygiene)

Their are many things you should change in the environment of your dog so that fleas might not be come back or never comes back and make your dog feel pain.

1- daily vacuum all the areas where the dog goes.

2-Don`t allow your dog to play with those dogs which are already suffer from the fleas

3-always use flea shampoo once in the month.

Natural way to treat your dog for the fleas.

Start with a apple cider vinegar rinse.Apple cider vineger helps to balance dogs pH,and fleas don`t like that, it creates an acidic environment outside the body.


*Make 4 ounces of a warm water with 6 ounces of apple cider vineger in a small spray bottle.

*add 1/4 tsp of sea salt and shake well,spray thia all over the body of the dog, use this spray only on the areas of hairs and also the underbelly area where the fleas found the most and avoid the eyes of your dog.

*add give 1/2 tsp per 25lbs and also add some apple cider vineger to your dog`s food daily.

How to remove fleas from your dogs play area(yard).

If by using the above steps you have remove the fleas form the skin but the chance of the fleas to come back is very high, so you have to be very attentive towards your dog`s enviroment.

1-CUT THE GRASS- if your dog likes to play in the ground then cut the overgrown grasses because the fleas are always hide in that types of regions.

2-REMOVE THE DEAD LEAVES-By removing the dead leaves you can increase the hygiene of your ground. this step is very important for your dog as well as for you also if you spend your time in the ground.

3-PLANT SOME FLEA REPELLING PLANTS-Their are some flea repelling plants which you can find easily some of which are-Rosemary,lemongrass,peppermint,and sage have natural oils that repel fleas.

And also try to use chemicals on the body of your dog minimum.
How you have or you will remove your dog`s fleas tell me in comments.
How to get rid of fleas from the dog? How to get rid of fleas from the dog? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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