A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

Why do dogs and puppies eat poop?

Why do dogs eats poop?

You have seen many times that your dog or puppy found eating poop, this is very normal for the dogs.

They do this because of many reasons sometimes because of boredom,for attention, to avoid the punishment or due to the health issues, However the stool eating is known as COPROPHAGY, this is very quite normal for a puppy or sometimes for an adult.

It can be because of any reason but you should look after it,it should not become the habit for the dog.

Puppies start eating the poop very soon, at this stage it is very normal for the mother to eat the stool of her puppies

She does this because to clean  the 'den' to protect the puppies from predators that might be drawn by the scent. other animals do the same this is not only the case of the dogs.

The mother does this till her puppies become the dog.

At the time when the puppies are very small the mother is very bother about her puppies and this time, so she do all the possible things she can do to protect them from problems.
She didn`t want that her puppies get some health issues so she try all the possible things she can do.

Other reasons.

sometimes the poop eating is not a normal action for some puppies or dogs, their can be some other reason behind that as well which you have to find,

Here are several reasons that can explain the poop eating of you puppy or dog.

*Poor digestion-

Your puppy might have digestion problem as well, when the puppy or a dog have such types of health problems they do this type of things such as poop eating,eating grass etc.

Sometimes the puppies or dogs don`t like the food they are eating, so try to change the food items you give to the dog,and also give the type of food which is easily digestable.

Why the dogs eats grass?- CLICK HERE


Boredom can be the another reason behind the poop eating, when you left alone your pet at home he may get bore and may be start eating the poop to kill lonlyness.


Another reason can be the stress, dogs are also comes in stress situations sometimes, so to kill the stress they do this.

stress for the dogs is very harmful, in this situation the dog become very violent sometimes and sometimes they used to bite their trainer or the owner.

You should consult your vet if you find this type of problem in your dog.


Hunger is the biggest reason for the poop eating for the dog and specially the puppies.

For puppies this topic is very much responsible to their poop eating because at this age the puppy needs again and again something to eat, so at this time the puppies eat the poop very much.


If you are very much attentive to your dog when your dog is eating poop then your dog will do that again and again to catch your attention.

By this type of action your dog will get to know that you are most attentive to him when he is eating this particular thing.so you should be very careful for this reason.

Dogs only wants the attention of the peoples towards them, they become very happy when you spent time with them.

So why the adult dog eats?

 As the puppy grown the habit or nature of the poop eating decreases but in some dogs it does not, this case is different for different dogs.
If your dog has not eaten the poop any time not at the time of puppy nor at present age and suddenly he started eating and also having weight loss,irritation, tiredness then surely you need to consult your Vet.

Once you confirm that your dog does not have any health issues than the reason behind the eating for an adult dog will same as for the puppies.

How to stop your dog or puppy from eating poop?

*Always feed your puppy a good quality puppy food or dog food which is easily digestable and also be sure that your dog is getting all of the minerals,vitamins and other important nutrients he needs for normal growth.

You can easily determine that whether your dog is getting the healthy food or not as-

  1. -look the weight gain or weight loss
  2. -look the activeness in your dog
  3. -look the nature of your dog(tired or bored)

* Be sure that your dog is performing the enough exercises or not, you needs to spent some time with your dog on daily basis.

*Always clean the poop on time-when you clean the poop on time your dog or pup will not get the chance of playing with the poop,this habit can stop the dog from eating the poop.

*Always be sure that your dog is on leash- whenever you take your dog out for a walk you should be aware that your dog should not go without the leashes in the ground, if your dog wants to run you can run with him but don`t drop the leash free otherwise the dog will start eating wherever he finds.


Poop eating is the normal habit for the dogs but it should be cure soon because it is not good for the health of the dog to eat the poop of his own or of any other animal.

Dogs and pups do this for many reasons,it can be stomach problems,getting bored ,irritation or stress.

It is very normal when your doggy gave the birth to the pupies, she so that for the safety of her pupies,then also you can prevent you doggy from eating the poop of her pupies by cleaning yourself on the time.

So if your dog is eating the poop regularly it means this has become the habit for him, then you should try to cure it and if your dog has suddenly start the poop eating then it is possible that the dog might have any health issue,in this case consult your vet.


Why do dogs and puppies eat poop? Why do dogs and puppies eat poop? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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