A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

How to clean the dog ears?

How to clean the dogs ears?

Ears cleaning is the one of the very important part of dog`s grooming, the ears of the dogs should be cleaned once in a week.

when you do not clean the ears of your dog the oils and wax build up inside the ear, it increase the risk of ear infection and hearing damages.

So,it should be the matter of concern for you.

You should add the ear cleaning in the list of grooming habits for your dog.

What you can use to clean the ears of your dog?

By the given supplies you can easily clean the ear of the dog-

*Ear cleaner-

You can use any of the ear cleaner with your dog, the only condition is to avoid those cleaners which do not contains alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, these chemicals can irritate your dogs ears so much.

If you are not sure about the cleaner product first consult from the vet or from the groomer of your dog.

The cleaner should not be selected randomly, it should be highly tested and with positive reviews.

*Cotton balls or pads-

Cotton balls can be used to clean the outer porsion of your dog`s ear, but insert the cotton balls inside the dogs ears, it may give the permanent hearing damage to your dog, so be careful when using these things for your dog.


You'll want to give some rewards when you complete your work with the dog, So that next time your dog can sit comfortabely.

Precautions you should take before cleaning the ears.

1- Your dog should not be hungry at that time,otherwise he will not let you to clean his ears.

2-Your dog should completely fine or should not suffer from any health issue, In this situation first consult your vet.

3-You should put all the things you need at the timing of the ear cleaning at one place.

How to clean the dogs ears?

When you are going to start the cleaning the your dogs ear, you should first inspect the condition of the ear-

If your dog has red or inflamed ears and are smelling bad,then do not touch the ear yourself,contact your vet in this situation.

Because your dog may have an ear infection or an Infestation of ear mites, so this needs to be treated by your vet.

If your dog has lot of hairs, use tweezers to clean the hair out of the ear canal,once you have clean the hairs and when everything in the ear is clearly visible, then you can start the ear cleaning.

Steps you should follow after the inspection to clean the ears?

1-After reaching to your pup or dog, make him busy with some something, or reward him when he sits silently.

The ultimate goal for you is to make your dog sitting silent.

2-when your dog sits silent, then hold the ear flap upright easily and fill the ear canal with the ear cleaning solution.

3- After filling the ear hold the ear flap in down direction with the head so that the not come out suddenly easily and then wait for 30 seconds.

4-Than release the ear and try to make your dog shake his head.

Take a towel and hold it near the ear, so that the chemical couldn`t be spread on the floor.

5-Use a cotton balls now to clean the outer area of the ear, and after this make sure the ear is cleaned.

After the cleaning of the ear give some reward to your dog so that your dog feel enjoy in this work, this will make your dog comfortable for the next time.

*There are three important things that you need to know about dog`s ears.

1-They`re sensitive, so they need regular maintenance to prevent any type of ear problem or infections.

2-dogs don`t want their ears cleaned, so you`re going to face problems with your dog in cleaning the ear.

Your dog will not easily allow you to clean his ears.

3- You have to perform all the steps very carefully othervise you can give some damges to the dog.


How to clean the dog ears? How to clean the dog ears? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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