A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

How to kill shyness in dogs?

How to kill the shyness in dogs?

Shyness is the problem of both dogs and humans but we can easily explain this to a human but how we can help a dog to kill his shyness.

Shyness for the dogs is the stage when the dog feels low confidence for any possible reason it can be past related.

But the shyness is not a permanent problem it can be cure by certain actions.

In shyness the dogs face becomes dull,the dog becomes less active,high rate of heart beat.

In humans also when they shy, the palms got sweating and the heart rate increases.

There are ways to combat the shyness of your pup or dog-

*Identify the fear-

The shy dog is very quiet in nature,they are less active as compared to other dogs.

Make a list of the things your dog is afraid of-such as from whom your dog has fear, where your dog don`t want to go, whom your dog don`t want to meet etc. make a proper list of these things and try to make fight your dog with these fears, in this you have to support your dog.
sometimes the dog has the fear of fight with the other dog, this fear is very common among the all types of fears.

* Help your dog to make some friends-

Making friends and talking to the different dogs can make your dog very much  confident, and try to take your dog on a walk with all the other dogs, and in between the other dogs try to show the abilities of your dog this can be the training which you have given to him, this can very much affects the confidence of the dog.

Sometimes the dogs has the fear from the peoples they move around, in this situation you need to make him aware with the humans try your dog to play with some other person,this will give the drastic change in the confidence of your dog.

Train for confidence-training a dog will affects the confidence of the dog very much in positive manner. when you train your dog the dog feels different from other dogs.

This can kill the shyness very quick, for confidence building the training is very important and also spend some extra time in playing with your dog.

Confidence and the shyness are inversely proportional to each other means if the confidence will increase the shyness will go down.

*story of an adopted dog.

There was a dog of nearly age 8 months,the owner of that dog was very bad to him he used to beat him regularly and after beating he used to lock him in the room then one day his neighbour did the complaint for him then a dog rescue team rescued him from their and now one of my friend adopted that dog. He used to tell me about the that ,the previous owner never allow his dog to come out of the house and play, then this has gave the very adverse affect to the dog, the dog becomes very fearful from all the peoples and even the dog has fear from the other dogs as well,but now that dog has become very confident because of training and by using the same techniques said above.

This all the techniques are working and very good for confidence building.

How to kill shyness in dogs? How to kill shyness in dogs? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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