A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

Sugars good or bad for dogs?

Sugars good or bad for dogs?

As we all know there are many types of sugars, we will classified them into two, the natural and artificials or man made.

we humans are very much attracted to the sugars similarly with dogs, this do the same thing with the dogs as well, when the sugar go in the stomach a chemical is released form the brain called- DOPAMINE in both humans and dogs so this creates the same situation with the dogs.

Dogs also become addicted to it as we all, and they all affected by the same problems,we call them sugar problems which are-diabetes,obesity,dental problems etc.

Dogs have taste buds that reacts to sweets just as we do.

As a result we know that the sweets is addictive to the dogs as well, so sugar should be controlled for better health for both humans and dogs because sugar gives the same results to both the lovers.

Which sugar is harmful  natural sugars or artificial sugars.

Natural sugars are those which are found in nature such as in cabohydrates, in natural fruits.
the sugar present in the natural food or the natural sugar is same for both it doesn`t harm much but here the topic is harmful sugar,so the artificial sugars leads here as they do not found in nature,they are man made means they are formed by chemicals,
so this can be harmful,artificial sugars are found in many items,
to enhance the sweet nature of the food.

Dog food contains much sugar.

It is surprising to see that even the dog food items contains the sugar, which is due, to hide the bitter taste of some incredients but manufacturers then also add because they know the power of addiction,you might have obvious see that if you have given the food with sugar to your dog your dog might be addicted to it, and now to it becomes very tough to stop this eating habit for a dog,dogs don`t know that the thing which is pleasuring him is very bad for their health,this is the business idea behind the dog food makers,first they make the food with much sugar so that the dog will be addicted to their food and because of your dog you have to purchase that again and again.

Become attentive 

You have to be very attentive towards your dog food, when you bring the food items for your dog always see the items presents list,see the sugar in that list it should not greater than 10%, because the food also contains the carbohydrates and that also has sweets, always check the list and don`t purchase the items with much sugar level.

Identifying sugars in the list

The word 'sugar' is usually implies to the cane sugar, but may also include sucrose,caramel,corn syrup and other forms of sugars.

Sorbitol is the sugar alcohol derived from fruits and berries.but it can also be created synthetically.
fructose is very sweet and is derived from fruits.

Is beet pulp harmful?

Beet pulp is the sugar, which is used in the production of the candy,baked goods and other sweets.once the sugars has been extracted, the pulp, which is high in fiber,is often used in animal feed.

As we know the fibers is important so, Is the beet pulf useful?

Many experts say that the fibers are important but the fibers which are pure fibers that are more good than the fibers which contains some amount of sugar, when the beet pulp produced the most of the sugar is removed but their is some amount of sugar present, the beet pulp is also not a good choice for your dog so avoid the foods which contains the beet pulp.

So is sugar good or bad?'

Small amount of anything is 'ok' but if you will take anything in high quantity than anything will be dangerous for you.

You can give natural sweets to your dogs but avoid the added sugars or sweeteners this are not good for your dog.

Small Items you should avoid.

  1. Candies(toffy)
  2. Sucrose


Sugars are good they also provides the energy to the body but their should be the limit or the sugar eating should be in controlled othervise, it can be very harmful for anyone.
Sugars good or bad for dogs? Sugars good or bad for dogs? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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