A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself|Doggy worlds provides you all about your loving dog| The aim of doggy worlds is to help all the dogs to live a good life. We all should contribute in the good things by which the animals can also get a healthy life.

Food items which are dangerous for dogs?

Food items which are dangerous to dogs?

Till now you might not have focused on the food items you gave to your dog but after reading this you will get full knowledge about the foods which you should never give to your dog and which are very dangerous for the other pets as well.

Everyone wants that their loved dog should eat or taste all the good and tasty things but before doing this think one time about the items which can affects the health of your dog.

Will you give such type of tasty food items to your dog which can affects the health of your dog very much, I think NO, so read this carefully to prevent from that problem.


This is the chemical in which the candy,gum,toothpaste,baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. This chemical can cause your dog`s blood sugar to drop and can cause liver failure.

*symptoms-vomiting,lethargy,and coordination problems.

2-Onions and garlic-

The items can be in any form such as powered,raw,cooked,or dehydrated- put it away from your dog.
This can kill his red blood cells,causing anemia.

For dogs the small quantity will be 'ok' but large quantity is not adjustable it can cause poisoning to your dog.

*symptoms-weakness,vomiting and breathing problems.

3-Coffee and tea-

From away your dog from the products like cocoa,cofee,tea.colas,energy drink.

some pain killers and medicines also have caffeine but that quantity is under the control, if you find that your dog has taken the good quantity of caffeine, then take your dog to the vet.

4-Grapes and raisins-

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, and even a small amount of these things can make your dog sick.

*symptoms-vomiting and depression or irritation.

5-Raw meat and fish-

Raw fish and meat have the bacteria and can cause the poisoning to your dog.

There are some fishes which can cause the "fish diseases" such as salmon,trout,shad etc.

*symptoms-vomiting and fever etc.

6-Sugar food items-

Too much of sugar do the same thing as they do with the people.

it can cause your dog diabetes,teeth problems,and your dog can be overweight.

7-Yeast dough-

As your dog will swells inside,the dough can stratch your dog`s abdomen and cause a lot of pain. also when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise , it makes alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.

8-Ours medicines-

People can not take the dog`s medicine,similarly we should not give ours medicines to the dogs. It`s can make your dog very sick.

The two incredients such as aceteminophen or ibuprofen are common in pain relievers for the peoples and can be deadly for your dog.

9- Kitchen items-

There are many things in the kitchen which is not suitable for the dogs such as baking powder and baking soda are both highly toxic for the dogs, always keep the doors of kitchen closed don`t allow to your dogs to go inside.


It is not good to give much salty items to your dogs like chips or pretzels with your dog.Eating too much of salt can make your dog serioulsy thirsty.

-vomiting,diarrhea,depression,tremors,high temperature, it may even cause death if not controlled.

11-Raw eggs-

Majority of people give their dogs the raw eggs ,but by major veterinary medical associations don`t think that`s good idea.

There is the chance of poisoning from bacteria like 'salmonella' etc.

12-Persimmons,Peaches,and Plums-

The problem with these fruits is the seeds or pits.They can block the small intestines of the dogs.
The peach and plum pits also have cyanides,which is poisonous to people and dogs as well.
People know that they should not eat them but the dogs don't.


The bones and fat trimmed from meat,both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs, and even though it seems natural to give a dog a bone,she can choke on it. 

Bones can block or cause cuts in the dog`s digestive system.


The chocolate contains a chemical named 'Theobromine'. It is present in all types of chocolates, even in white chocolates.

*Symptoms-vomiting,diarrhea etc.

It can also cause heart problems,tremors,and even death.

15-Milk and other dairy products-

It can be very dangerous for your dog to share a icecream with him.
Milk and milk based products can cause diarrhea to the dog and many digestive problems fot your pup. 

They can also create food allergies,which can cause her to itch.


Avocados,for example,having something called persin. it is ok if the quantity is in control and ok for those who aren`t allergic to it.

But too much might cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs. sometimes avacados seeds stucks in the stomach of the dog, so always try to make your dog have some distance from them.


Alcohols have same effects on a liver's and the brain that it has on the people.

*symptoms-vomiting,diarrhea,coordination problems, breathing problems,coma,even death.


Tobacco contains 'Nicotine', which can be lethal to dogs.

*Symptoms-vomiting,abnormal heart rate,tremors and weakness.

Tobacco poisoning can present itself within 1 hour of ingestion.

19-Corn on the Cob-

While small amounts of corn are safe for a dog to ingest,giving your dog an ear of corn can be dangerous. If your dog an ear of corn can be dangerous.

This could be very fatal to your dogs.

20-Tomato leaves-

These contains oxalates,which can cause,drooling,vomiting,diarrhea ,lethargy,weakness, tremors and bloody urine.

If Your Dog Eats Something toxic.

You can not always present with your dog if in your absence your dog has eaten something and you get to know that, so for that time you should be ready,you should keep the number of the local vet,the closest emergency clinic number, and the ASPCA(animal poison control center)- (888)426-4435, you can get help from them in that situation.

Precautions you can take for your dog.

Make a diet plan by the help of your vet, for your diet and always follow that and without concerning to the vet don`t give anything else to your dog, if you want to make any change in the diet plan so first concern the vet, then take the step.
You should be very serious towards your dog, he is your responsibility.


Tell me in the comments what is the food plan for your dog.. 

Food items which are dangerous for dogs? Food items which are dangerous for dogs? Reviewed by doggyworlds on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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